Soshigaya okura on the Odakyu line is the official Ultraman (ウルトラマン) station :-)
Ultraman first came on the scene in the 1960's and continues to be popular in Japan.... I did also happen to see it before i came to Japan late at night but I wouldn't say that is so famous compaed to Godzilla for example... So what is Ultraman? Well the story is set in the 90's (near future from 60's when the shows were being run) and at this time the Earth is threatened by various monsters and aliens. There is a special police force to deal with these problems called 'Science Patrol'. One of the police officers has a rather special ability to transform into Ultraman when duty calls.. Why is he good then? Well he has a huge array of special powers and skills to draw upon as needed. These include:
Specium Ray スペシウム光線, Ultra Slash, Electrical Immunity, Ultra Attack Beam ウルトラアタック光線, High Spin ハイスピン, Ultra Air Catch ウルトラエアキャッチ, Ultra Psychokinesis, Flight 飛行能力, Teleportation テレポーテーション, Ultra Current ウルトラ水流, Dynamic Size Change 巨大化能力, Clairvoyance Beam 透視光線, Ultra Chop ウルトラチョップ, Ultra Punch ウルトラパンチ, Ultra Kick ウルトラキック, Ultra Swing ウルトラスウィング,Ultra Eye Spot ウルトラアイスポット, Slash Beam スラッシュ光線, Catch Rings キャッチリング and many more! Wow.. sounds great eh, but he does have one big weakness... time. Due to the fact that he needs solar energy for all of his powers he can only be active on the Earth for three minutes... yep just three minutes....
Anyway I got distracted but was talking about Soshigaya Okura.. This station is the only Odakyu station which has a tune to signify the arrival of a train. Of course the tune is the Ultraman theme song! There are also posters everywhere and a statue of the man himself (at the top of this post). The statue is fairly cool, its solar powered.....again like the man
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