Sunday, July 15, 2007

This will save your really!

Looking like a small alien device this item is a common sight in Japanese homes during the summer. It looks extremely simple, just a small unit you plug into the wall, has a power button on the front, a small hole on the top and it lights up with a soft glow when its switched on..

Inside you put one of these little bottles, they have either 60 or 90 days capacity....thats it! So what is it? Well it s a mosquito killer... essential, I hate the things, especially at night, no more endless mosquito hunts at 2 in the morning, this will take care of them. Essentially, the little bottle has some poison or something simular. There is a little heater in the machine which causes the poison to evaporate into the air then killing any mosquitos who maybe out for a bite to eat in your apartment.

Its completely safe and a wonderful addition to any home.. there are a few different designs but are all essentially the same, the price for keeping your home free of the little buzzing things? ..about 1,500yen, a bargain!

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