Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fuji san 2008 preview

Climbed Fuji yesterday for the first time this year. Have another one planned for later in the season by a different route maybe but of course as ever everything depends on the weather. Will give a more detailed report a little later although there are many blogs and sites about climbing Fuji so not sure how interesting it would be.. Still will be reporting on some outdoor products which should be of greater interest. In the meantime here are a few photos from the top....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hot summer Setagaya Shrine

Another hot day in Tokyo, felt like about 34 today but not sure... very humid too but nevermind.. Went to Setagaya Shrine and saw this... anyone have ideas what it is?

Those interested have been here before.. here & here

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fuji 08

Yes Fuji climbing season is open and yes I am going again. This will mark my third climb and have a few planned options this year... will be looking at some specific routes and info. over the next month and a half as the season remains open. Will also be looking at some outdoor products with some reviews and field reports....... People who didn't know I am an avid climber although I never seem to have enough time which is a real pain...
Regardless stay tuned good things on the horizon

Been a couple of months and really just been rather busy with things to update but apologies for that. Max is bigger and has just passed the 3 KG mark.

He seems to be growing into a good looking cat...well he was a good looking kitten too :-)
Stay posted, will try to post more in the next week or so.