My simply awful Softbank phone broke.. well has been broken for the last few weeks and besides that I have been fed up with Softbank's poor service so decided to switch back to Docomo. The network is so much more stable and the services far better...

Picked up the N905iu which is one of the new 905 series but at the same time is a little different to the others being ultra slim and stylish but not having every function but the kitchen sink...

That said it still has everything you would ever need, mail, sms, calling of course, video phone, a 2M camera and full GPS navigation. In fact the only thing it doesnt have is 1 SEG TV which, to be honest I rarely used on the T911 Softbank phone...

It is beautiful..........

I also have to say that the menu system and display is great, the best I have ever seen on a phone... and I have had a lot of phones. The display shows 3D graphics in wonderful resolution and the mail for example gives you previews (which on the 3 inch display is essentially the same as opening it without having to do so!), and many shortcut functions which make life easy. It of course also has T9 input for English and Japanese which is a good point (again compared to the T911). The GPS is a really good system also almost identical to the ones found in the cars in Japan. You can get directions to a location, fix your current position, find out useful places around your current location such as restaurants convenience stores etc... or even have a wonderful female voice "speak" out directions to your location.
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