Sunday, July 15, 2007

This will save your really!

Looking like a small alien device this item is a common sight in Japanese homes during the summer. It looks extremely simple, just a small unit you plug into the wall, has a power button on the front, a small hole on the top and it lights up with a soft glow when its switched on..

Inside you put one of these little bottles, they have either 60 or 90 days capacity....thats it! So what is it? Well it s a mosquito killer... essential, I hate the things, especially at night, no more endless mosquito hunts at 2 in the morning, this will take care of them. Essentially, the little bottle has some poison or something simular. There is a little heater in the machine which causes the poison to evaporate into the air then killing any mosquitos who maybe out for a bite to eat in your apartment.

Its completely safe and a wonderful addition to any home.. there are a few different designs but are all essentially the same, the price for keeping your home free of the little buzzing things? ..about 1,500yen, a bargain!

Friday, July 13, 2007

HiVision Recorder

Picked up this new HDD/DVD machine a couple of weeks ago, my previous one gave up after two years of service in January and I have been pondering which model to buy for the last 4 months or so... after moving house I managed to get cable which happens to be digital and then just got a HD TV last month so it seemed like it was finally time to make the decision

The machine itself is pretty cool as it has twin digital tuners......I'm not that technically minded but essentially it allows you to record up to two different things simultaneously, whilst watching a third either on the HDD or DVD player. It records in HiVision which is very cool, but unfortunately i can't find a way to route the cable signal through the machine in digital format so reduced to S-Video. (The cable box is connected to the TV digitally however so can view in digital just not record) It records regular TV in digital though which does look great.
All I have to do now then is try to work out how to use it! ....well at least use the functions I need, like so many products these days it seems to include many features you wouldn't need...well i wouldn't being able to control the unit from your cell-phone...hmmmm

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

....and perhaps some pain for dessert Sir?

Errmmmm...... I can't see this being a popular choice really, in fact I would hesitate to eat it. The unpleasant possibilities are endless.... does it cause pain....going in? coming out? just going to stop there but feel free to post options.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Beetle Attack!

Flee now while you can! Well maybe not but these giant beetles were invading a Shopping Mall in Kanagawa.... only in Japan.

Unfortunately i was only able to take a quick shot but now wish i had taken a movie... yes they were moving too simulating a battle... :-) I wonder if they are available in my local toy shop.

Beetles are popular pets for Kids in Japan during the summer. The average kid has two choices, they can try to capture a beetle in the wold somewhere... (not so many of those in Tokyo but possibly in some of the bigger parks) or buy one from a local pet shop. Pricey at times a couple of years ago some thief stole some beetles from a Beetle Farmer, apparently they were worth a total of 2,000,000yen... thats a lot of beetle.


Since the new year been having problems with Docomo, it seems i have the worst luck when it comes to cellphones, they always break.. anyway since Softbank are offering a good range of cheaper call plans now thought i would get myself to the local Softbank shop and see what was what. Came away with this new handset, managed to keep my old number which was cool for no extra cost and hopefully the new monthly bill will be smaller....

Anyway in addition to that the new handset has all the features you could ever want...and then another 100 more that you didnt know you needed... TV, Satellite Navigation, Mobile e-Wallet, 3.2 M Digital Camera and Video Camera, Video Phone, MP3 player with 1GB of internal memory.....

Ill probably just use e-mail, and the phone function.... oh and the camera does come in useful though....